Kratom and Cocaine Interactions

Kratom is a naturally occurring substance that has been used in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years. Its main active component is mitragynine (also known as -Methyl-mitragynine or MMX). This compound produces stimulant and opioid-like effects when consumed at high enough doses.

People often use kratom to help them cope with withdrawal symptoms from opioids and other drugs. It is also believed to help with pain and mood. However, it is not approved by the FDA for any medical uses and is largely unregulated. This makes it important to know what you are getting before you buy kratom online or in the store.

There are several types of kratom and each one has different properties. It is important to understand the differences between the different strains of kratom before purchasing them and to be sure that you purchase a high-quality product.

Stimulant Effects

There is evidence that kratom can increase blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. It can also cause drowsiness and sedation. This can lead to a risk of falls or injuries, especially for users who are elderly.

Drug Interactions

Several drug interactions with kratom have been reported in the media, including seizures and overdose. These interactions can be particularly dangerous if you are using other drugs at the same time. It is always best to avoid mixing kratom with other drugs and alcohol. Read more about kratom interactions at

Other drug interaction concerns include interacting with certain medications, such as SSRIs, antidepressants and benzodiazepines. Taking these drugs together can lead to serious or fatal complications, including seizures and drowsiness.

Addiction and Dependence

Many people who use kratom develop addiction and dependence to the drug. It can be difficult to stop using kratom without medical intervention, and it can cause severe withdrawal symptoms in those who do not get treatment. If you or a loved one are experiencing these symptoms, you should seek medical assistance immediately.

Affected Individuals

If you think that someone you know might be suffering from a substance use disorder, it is important to talk to them about their situation. Our free, 5-minute substance misuse self-assessment can give you a general idea of the severity of their problem and whether they are in need of treatment.

It can be hard to tell if someone is suffering from a substance abuse problem, and it can also be confusing to determine which treatment is right for them. That’s why it’s helpful to have an expert on hand to answer questions and to support a person in their recovery.

To learn more about treatment, please call or click below to schedule an appointment with a licensed substance abuse counselor in your area. You can also visit our addiction treatment blog for more information on drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

A recent study found that a group of small molecules blocks the behavior and toxicity of cocaine and methamphetamine by coupling with sigma receptors in the brain. This research may be the beginning of an exciting new frontier in drug development.